News and Blog

WordPress is Doubling Down on HTTPS

In 2017, WordPress will start introducing features which require websites have HTTPS available, the company stated in an announcement today. WordPress describes the change as the “next hurdle” users are going to face, akin to the adoption of Javascript.

The first change WordPress will make is to no longer promote hosting partners unless they provide an SSL certificate by default for all accounts. This change is said to happen in early 2017.

The company will further assess which features would benefit most from SSL, and only make them available when SSL is present on a website. One of the features being considered is API authentication.

This is another example of a major web company’s push toward a safer and more encrypted internet. With this change, there’s no doubt the amount of WordPress websites on HTTPS is about to increase.

Cyber Monday Breaks eCommerce Records

Adobe Digital Insights has released its latest holiday shopping data. As predicted, this year’s Cyber Monday was one for the record books.

Online shopping sales starting at midnight sent customers into a purchasing frenzy, dropping over $3.45 billion online on Cyber Monday — a reported 12 percent increase over the same day last year.

This is a new record for the largest day in U.S. eCommerce. The total amount in sales was 3 percent higher than that of even behemoth shopping day Black Friday. Adobe noted that top-selling items included the Sony PlayStation 4, Samsung 4K TVs and Lego sets.

Overall, it was found that total November eCommerce sales in the U.S. are up 7.6 percent year over year. Thus far, the holiday shopping season is projected to have driven a total of $39.9 billion in online revenue, a 7.4 percent increase year over year, with 27 out of 28 days generating over $1 billion.

SEO Trends for 2017

Business is a game, and as an entrepreneur or marketer, your role in this game is to use any tool at your disposal to stay ahead of your competition. And one of the most effective tools to fulfill that role is SEO.

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the lifeblood of online business. And while it might be simple to master in theory, the fact is that the algorithms and search patterns that inform your SEO efforts are in constant fluctuation, changing, shifting, and increasing in complexity like a giant Rubik's cube.

This means that one of the most important ways to gain and keep a competitive advantage within your industry is to carefully watch the subtle changes in SEO trends and alter your campaigns to match the new realities of the online world.

Mobile Shopping Searches Continue to Surge

Hot off the heels of Thanksgiving weekend, Google has revealed the latest data on the impact of mobile shopping searches during Black Friday. Compared to any other day during Thanksgiving week this year, Black Friday saw the largest volume of mobile shopping searches. Thanksgiving Day came in second.

The influence of mobile shopping searches extends beyond the digital realm. According to Google, searches for in-store deals were also popular on mobile devices, with customers using mobile search as a “door-to-the-store”. This is evidenced by the fact that in-store traffic on Black Friday was up 65% over an average day in the month of November.

Most Common SEO Mistakes

Optimizing your website and blog is an essential element of your content marketing strategy. While SEO is changing, it stays on top of marketers’ agendas as it is a powerful way to bring visitors to your company’s outlets and to direct them towards your sales funnel.

There are some common SEO mistakes that are tough to avoid. Testing optimization approaches is also difficult because you can’t verify your methods in real-time since search engines’ rules are becoming hard to predict.

Choosing the Wrong Keywords
One of the most common mistakes in selecting keywords is neglecting the preference of search engines and users for long-tail keywords. While you might define your products and services in a certain way, it’s more important to understand what words your potential customers would use to refer to them. Sometimes the terms you consider correct might mean something completely different for other people, or could be too generic. 

5 Content Marketing Mistakes

Mistake #1: Not Creating Customer Personas

Before you even begin with your content marketing, you need to know who you are talking to. You can't just create content for the sake of it and write about something you want to. Any piece of content you create has to have a target audience, that is, a group of people that share a few commonalities.

This target audience is best structured by using a marketing technique called "customer personas". This technique consists in creating fictional, generalized representations of your ideal customers. With this personas, you can discover what problems and needs your audience have, which makes the content creation much easier and effective.

Mistake #2: Not Using A Reader-friendly Structure

It's a fact: people don't read online, they scan.

Build Your Global Ecommerce Site

Is your company ready to go global with ecommerce? Maybe it should be. Opportunities to sell globally are substantial and growing. While ecommerce retail sales in the United States are rising -- expected to reach $523 billion in the next five years -- that number is growing even more rapidly worldwide.
Globally, business-to-consumer (B2C) online sales is on pace to exceed $2 trillion by 2017.

1. Assess supply and demand.
To get a clearer picture of your probability for success in other markets, first assess your business from the local point of view in your product's new space. Conduct a regional analysis around local competitors, product demand, pricing and consumer behavior.
This knowledge will help you home in on the size of the market that exists, the supply-and-demand dynamic for your product and the price at which it can be sold.

Mobile Trends to boost Holiday eCommerce

When it comes to retail and e-commerce sales, we all know how important the upcoming holiday season is. But you may not be aware of how much mobile shopping now impacts those sales.
More people are using mobile apps, especially when it comes to their favorite retailers. Additionally, more mobile commerce transactions now happen on apps than on mobile sites. According to Google Analytics data, 30% of all online shopping happens on mobile devices and mobile searches related to shopping jumped by 120% in 2015.

Steps to optimizing your site for Google’s mobile-first index

Google has been slowly moving toward a mobile-first index for quite a while now. Google first hinted at their intentions of a mobile-first index about a year ago, but November 4 was the first time Google has posted details about the mobile-first index on their own blog.

So if you have been slow in joining the mobile revolution, now is the time to take action. As mobile continues to dominate search, Google and the other search engines are going to place more and more emphasis on mobile.

Google and Facebook seek to cut off revenues from fake news sites

Many critics of the presidential election are partly blaming false information and fake news stories propagated on Google and Facebook for influencing the outcome. While some Facebook employees share this concern, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has largely dismissed the notion that fake news on Facebook contributed to Trump’s victory.

Despite this, both Google and Facebook have now taken steps to address the challenge of false news. Google is implementing a policy change that bars sites displaying fake news from using ads from the Google Display Network. This is an attempt to cut off their potential revenues.

Accordingly, Google issued the following statement:


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