Submitted by admin on Wed, 12/23/2015 - 16:17
Have you ever seen a short link on the internet that didn't appear to go to any website you were familiar with? Maybe it looked like this Bitly is one of the most popular companies used for link shorteners, where they condense a longer link into a shorter form. This practice is controversial, so here's the good, the bad, and the ugly about link shorteners. The Good With the popularity of sites like Twitter that limit how many characters can be in a single post, every character counts. This can be a pain when you have a huge link that you want to show to all of your followers. This is one place where a link shortener can be incredibly convenient. Many link shorteners also allow publishers to track posted links with analytics, which can be beneficial as well. The Bad Link shortening services act as middlemen between your link and the page you want users to get to.