Yahoo users aren't the only ones digesting the news about the company's massive data breach.
So is its future parent company.
Verizon said that it only learned this week that Yahoo (YHOO, Tech30) was hit with a massive security breach. On Thursday, the news broke that "at least" 500 million user accounts had been compromised, likely making it one of the largest hacks in history.
"Within the last two days, we were notified of Yahoo's security incident," a spokesperson for Verizon said in a statement provided to CNNMoney. "We understand that Yahoo is conducting an active investigation of this matter, but we otherwise have limited information and understanding of the impact."
Verizon (VZ, Tech30) agreed to buy Yahoo's core properties for $4.83 billion in late July, just days after reports of a wide-scale security breach first surfaced in the media.
The mega-breach could create a headache for both companies, including damaging press, police investigations, scrutiny from regulators and user outrage.
More to the point: it could complicate a billion-dollar deal that was originally expected to close in the first quarter of 2017.
Courtesy of CNN