The Future of Digital Marketing

The success of today's marketing organizations is largely driven by their adoption of digital technologies to transform the business.

As a result, the CMO and CIO need to work hand in glove to ensure marketing is enabled with the IT tools and processes to further engage with customers in an increasingly connected world. Whether it is with mobile, cloud or social technologies, marketers must embrace digital if they want to be relevant to today's customers.

But this can only be achieved by working closely with IT to fulfill the goals of the business. As we move towards 2014, the digital transformation of today’s organizations will only accelerate, with several trends driving this forward.

1. Online Communities Fuel the Social Engine The companies that will thrive in today’s connected world recognize that customers are their most important asset. Customers today have higher expectations than ever before, and communities can provide the perfect platform for them to share their opinions and needs. - Read entire article here -

Thanks to Vala Afshar, CMS Wire


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