As we get closer to the Holidays, now is a good time to get yourself prepared for a gangbusting 2014 by making sure your vital online information is updated and securely recorded and kept in a safe, easy to access, place.
Your domain name(s). Do you have a hard copy of your original domain registration papers? Make sure you have the username, password and account numbers for each domain. Then go to the registrar and make sure all the contact information is accurate. Contact names, addresses and telephone numbers need to be kept current because if you ever need help with your domain name, you'll need the information to establish you as the true contact person. It is a nightmare to get help with your domain name if your contact information isn't spot on.
Are you an e-commerce marketer? Do you know anything about your SSL? If you don't, better get educated. You need to know who it is through, the credentials to access and update it, and the date when it expires.
Your web hosting information. You need to know where your website is hosted, independently of your web company or webmaster. If your website goes down Christmas day, you aren't likely to be able to reach your web administrator (but I'm the exception). So you need the actual company name, url, telephone number and your hosting account credentials just in case you ever need them.
Things change. Companies shut down, freelancers take other know the drill. Best way to keep your online business protected is for you to be able to access the right people at the right time to make sure your website stays operational. If you have questions, or if you need to speak with someone about any of the above issues, contact us today!