Ecommerce Roundup for June 28th, 2013

Ecommerce Articles and News

Each week, we provide some of the best articles we've discovered that are related to ecommerce and the web. Some have tips to improve revenue, and other just made us think.

  • Walmart Playing Catch-up to Amazon - Walmart has essentially ignored the web for years, not giving it much thought. But now its trying to play catch up. This article summarizes how they are going to try and compete with the Amazonian juggernaut. They haven't been able to utilize their main strength yet: the efficiency of their supply chain. Even so, online sales only make up 5% of its revenue currently. Walmart is still the undisputed king of retail.
  • 10 Tips for Successful Ecommerce in China - This has some good insights, if you can get over the broken English translation. By 2015, its expected the online consumer base in China will go over 500 million people. By contrast, the US is expected to only rise to 200 million.
  • What Warby Parker Sees that Others Don't - Ecommerce will cease to be used as a meaningful term, the founder says. Also includes a humerous story about when they first started, with customers asking to see the glasses in person. In April of 2013, they opened their first brick and mortar store. Their reasoning for using uniform pricing for all of their products is compelling.
  • Mobile Shopping Survey - A recent survey by Skava introduces some interesting statistics about mobile shopping. 88% of people who have shopped via their phone have had a bad experience. Bad navigation, product images are too small (or too large), a frustrating checkout process, and on and on. And 29% of people who cite a bad experience, usually wait at least another year before coming back and trying again. Ouch. This analysis article has some good insights.
  • 5 Landing Page Strategies Your Competitors Might Not Be Using - This article offers 5 ways to break out of the "sameness" of other sites, and reinforces the concept of "always be selling" on your website. Re-think the page your users see right after they sign on, and break out of the mold on About and Contact pages. Really good stuff.



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