4 Common Obstacles Preventing E-Commerce Conversions

Sometimes a simple problem with your website will create an obstacle and kill your conversion rate. Here are four common obstacles that could be responsible for preventing your website from converting and generating revenue.
1. You don’t offer any visible special offers.

More of your website visitors will convert if they feel like they are receiving a special offer, such as an instant discount or free shipping. Many websites offer these, but they don’t make them visible. You need to make sure you place there directly where every single visitor will come in contact with them.

2. You don’t offer a pleasant mobile experience.

A mobile-friendly website is mandatory — there’s no way around it. There are many things to consider when optimizing a website for mobile traffic. Make sure you use text that’s large and easy to read, have only one call-to-action for your visitors to focus on, avoid large paragraphs of text and make sure visitors can access every feature using just one finger.

3. Your website speed is incredibly slow.

If you visit a website and it doesn’t load fast what do you do? You leave. I leave. We all leave. Your website visitors aren’t any different, making it very important that your website speed is fully optimized.

4. You require customers to create an account to checkout.

Don’t entirely eliminate the ability to create an account; some visitors, specifically repeat ones, enjoy the convenience of stored information, such as a preferred payment method and shipping address. Simply make sure you offer a “guest” checkout option, as well, allowing visitors to quickly complete purchases and be on their way.

Courtesy of HuffingtonPost


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